So as some of you know I went for a run...quite a long run... quite a few-miles-farther-than-I-needed-to run. I ran for over two hours and was completely spent. Witness the following:

The girl there looking chipper is Brie Pajak. A Massachusetts girl who had never run more than 5 miles before Saturday, but trucked on like the ROTC-Air Force Scholarship winner that she is.
We had quite a fun time running up and down one hill and up and down another hill and up and down a third and up and down more hills, which we did not keep track of for the sheer pain associated with the number. And down sketchy parts of MacArthur Avenue.
Towards the end she even made me laugh (never a good thing when you are already tired) so hard I was doubled over running quite a few steps before regaining correct posture.
The moans and groans that I laid on heavens door were many, but I got through. Woo hoo!
Today I even ran again. Brie ran yesterday. And during Chemistry this morning, I was still sore and Brie wasn't.
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